After 3 years working for Royaltiz (a global talent stock market) signing the best celebrities and rising sport stars all over the world, I was inspired to open my own company to help brands connect with celebrities.
Finding the right talent for the right context has become very difficult as the field is more crowded than ever.
I'm 100% a specialist in conversion and ROI-driven strategies.
Looking for fast results?
My method works for all types of businesses.
We work with all budgets, starting from just 5K USD.
Why does it works?!
Influence marketing is becoming a leading direction for promoting your products and services.
People are more willing to buy from influencers than through cold internet traffic.
There is a huge variety of bloggers now, and the reasonable question arises — who will give the best results for your advertising campaign?!
Sports Fans Loyalty
Sports fans are known for their intense loyalty to their favorite athletes, often following their every move and supporting them both on and off the field.
Another advantage of advertising with sports celebrities is their frequent media coverage, sponsorships, and endorsements.
This loyalty extends to the products and brands that sport celebrities endorse, making their followers trust and purchase products promoted by their favorite athletes.
This helps build their personal brand and increases their visibility among audiences. The heightened exposure translates into increased awareness and trust for the products they promote.
Here is a statistic showcasing the coverage of views for the most famous sports events
Including UFC, Tennis, and Formula 1, in terms of online views and offline visits over the last 5 years: